
>Meeting September 3rd, 2010

>H.O.T. Clay
September 3, 2010
30 members attended



Year plans
Student and Alumni show in lieu of currents show
Building community outreach for the group


Reitz union Thursday Nov 19th 9am-5pm

Artbash Nov 19th 6-9pm

Hot clay takes part of the money from the sale to fund NCECA

A raffle will be held at the sale, any and all can contribute a piece for the raffle

Donna F.volunteers to raffle a piece

Last year we had a H.O.T. sale at Tioga, we did this for recognition in the community and opportunity of experience.

Vote to repeat this sale.

Charlie C. motions that we have our spring sale at Tioga in February.

Lauren F. Seconds the motion.

Discussion regarding changing the location of the spring sale. Reasons that we have our spring sale in February rather than later. Tioga is a three day sale. Selling on campus creates no competition whereas selling at the fair there would be competition. Last year the Gainesville fine arts association donated a tent that we would use and waived the fees. The deadline would be in September.

Camile D. Would agree to do the Tioga sale if allowed to make a friendly amendment that we do the tioga sale and if bad weather we still have a sale at the rights union.

Charlie C. amends the motion

Galen O.seconds

2 opposed
28 approved
1 obstained
The amendment passes.

We will be having a make-a-thon for the H.O.T. clay sales on Oct 23 and 24 and all members should attend.

In preparation for the make-a-thon we need to make clay and will need volunteers(Oct 15 or 16)
Autumn and Camile volunteer

T-shirt Contest

Jon B. will be holding a t-shirt design contest.

It will be voted on at a later time as of the deadline for the t-shirt contest.

We need a volunteer to make the poster and to be the contact person
Courtney C. volunteers to make the poster

Sunday afternoon Pizza parties

Once a month event

Members will sign up to present a powerpoint or demonstrate a technique
It is a chance for us to get to know one another and learn of each others experiences

We will meet for this pizza party on Sept. 26th at 3:00 in the throwing lab

H.O.T. clay will be funding the pizza

Sarah T. will be the liaison for our fall visiting artist who will be Trey Hill Nov 3rd and 4th

Spring visiting artist

We have been encouraged to invite Kathy king for the spring visiting artist. She is alum of our program. The NCECA pre-conference will have an emphasis on UF alumni. If Kathy King comes we will not need a liaison for her and be relieved of those duties.

Vote on whether Kathy King will be our Spring visiting artist.

Galen O. Motions to bring in Kathy King as our Spring visiting artist

Mara G. seconds the motion

Vote in unanimous

Kathy King will be our Spring visiting artist

Drew’s Benefit & volunteer opportunities

Due to Drew losing his foot last December we will be having a benefit for him in order to raise money for his medical costs. Charlie C. and Linda A. have collaborated to have an online auction. Over 150 artists have donated work in Drew’s honor. There have been many volunteers to help unpacking and taking images of the works. After the auction Charlie C. will need help to pack and ship the purchased work. Charlie would like to give a workshop on how to pack ceramics pieces of art. Charlie assumes all responsibility after showing students how to pack. This will be a great opportunity to learn to pack.

Fri Sept. 10th at 9am there will be a preview of the works at Charlie Cummings
studio. A permission slip will need to be signed in order to go on the trip.

Dandee P. makes a motion that H.O.T. clay takes on this benefit as one of our

Jocelyn seconds the motion

All in favor

Motion passes.

The auction ends Monday, September 27
Packing for shipping will be on October 2nd and 3rd, 9th and 10th at 10am-5pm

Review Constitutional Amendment
The constitution will be emailed to all members with an amendment in red.

Galen O. will be having his first gallery opening this evening.

Provided by ADR